NW AudioShow

Once again we will be at NorthWest Audioshow in Cranage next weekend. This is an enjoyable event for us as it is in a lovely environment, we are in a nice big room rather than a tiny hotel bedroom, and we usually meet some interesting people.

This year we will have the Amphion Argon range on display, and the main system will use the latest version of Krypton3, if you heard them last year they are now even better. We have partnered them with the fabulous award winning Hegel H590 amplifier and will have the other intergrated models from Hegel on display. Hegel and Amphion work together extremely well so we are expecting big things from the system. The source will be the amazing award winning Innuos Statement server. The guys from Innuos will also have their range of servers on display and will be there to answer any questions you may have about their well regarded products.

If you have seen us at previous shows it will be no surprise that Audiomica will be providing the cables, and MusicWorks will be supplying mains and isolation products.

The show is one of the better one in the UK and is free to enter. Come along and see us, we’ll be happy to meet you, either as your first show visit or a show veteran.

Bristol Show 2019 –

The Bristol Hifi Show last weekend was a resounding success for Auden distribution.

Bristol 2019 room video

We featured Amphion partnered with Hegel to great effect, the system was easy to listen to and garnered many positive comments. Amphion and Hegel do work well together so it was no surprise to us, but we were very pleased just how good it sounded. At this years event we focused on Argon 3LS but the other models were also on display, the usual comments about how nice they look were heard many times over the course of the event. The white Hegel H190 was the heart of the system and did a fine job never putting a foot wrong all weekend, the way Hegel amplifiers grip and drive loudspeakers is always good to hear. We used music streamed from a laptop via ROON into the USB on the Hegel using Audiomica Labs cable, and fed the loudspeakers using cable from the same brand. MusicWorks G3 mains blocks and power cords were in use and all combined to create a very cohesive system that was most enjoyable to listen to. The show takes a lot of work to put together but we had a great time, thank you if you visited, maybe next year if you didn’t.

Scandinavia arrives in Bristol.

Next weekend sees the first hifi show of 2019 in the UK take place at the Marriott Hotel in Bristol. The Bristol Show is the busiest and probably biggest event in the UK show calendar and Auden Distribution will be there once again. This year we are featuring Amphion loudspeakers and partnering with Hegel Music Systems. In previous years we have had the smaller Amphion models as the focus of the system, this year we will be concentrating on the 2 floorstanding models. Argon 3LS and Argon 7LS. Amphion and Hegel make a great combination and we plan to show that you dont need a system that dominates your room to enjoy great music. As usual we’ll be using MusicWorks mains and isolation products and Audiomica interconnects. Come along to room 222, the show runs Friday through to Sunday, hopefully we will see you there.

Argon 7LS on 6 moons

Srajan at 6moons has a listen to Amphion Argon 7LS and likes what he hears. Read the review here.

Success at North West Audio Show 2018

We had a great time at Cranage Hall last weekend for the North West Audio Show.  The usual free entry combined with wonderful weather and a superb venue made it once again a success. The show is growing year by year and is now well worth a visit. The main system we had was sounding fabulous, Amphion Krypton driven by CAAS Audio pre/power, Audiomica cables, MusicWorks mains, furniture, and isolation. Source was a Nadac kindly loaned to us by Ultimate Stream. The system had terrific scale and power yet also retained subtlety and finesse, Gregory Porter to Nine Inch Nails all sounded superb.

We also had a more modest system, featuring the new versions of Amphion Argon 1 and Argon 0. Driven by Hegel Röst and using Audiomica cables, MusicWorks mains and isolation products, it delivered music in a way that belied its apparent simplicity.

Along with all the Argon range from Amphion we had M2tech RockStar series, and the piccolo+ server from Aria on display. It was a good 2 days and we had many, many positive comments. Thanks to those who visited and I hope you found it rewarding.

North West Audio Show 2018

The North West Audio Show is one of our favourites, it is in a characterful hotel, free to enter, and much more relaxed than the “big” shows and this year Auden Distribution are showcasing Amphion loudspeakers and CAAS Audio. The main system will be a pair of Amphion Krypton3 driven by the CAAS e-pre, and 2 e-mono pre-power combination and as we are taking up the whole of the Bell Suite, we have plenty of space to let the system really sing.

CAAS Audio was recently reviewed in Hifi+ where Jason Kennedy wrote “The CAAS trio is one of the most musically engaging and resolving amplification systems around”, we wouldn’t disagree.

The Amphion Kryptons are the result of many years continued evolution and are the Amphion reference for home audio. Trickle down from this model has seen the Argon range garner numerous excellent reviews in the press including Argon 7LS on Hifi Pig and Argon 1 in HifiChoice.

The system will use MusicWorks furniture, isolation and power products, and Audiomica labs interconnects and loudspeaker cables. Source will be a Merging Nadac. All together, an extremely capable and musical system that we are looking forward to playing.

There will also be a more lifestyle system to demonstrate the newly updated Argon 0 and Argon 1 models, it is surprising how good a more modest system can be and as with the bigger system, this is a very enjoyable way to listen to your music.
On display we will also have the M2Tech range including RockStar series, and the Aria Piccolo+ from DigiBit, both the subjects of recent great press reviews.

Well worth a visit, hopefully we’ll see you over the weekend!

Amphion Argon 1 in Hifi Choice

Hot on the heels of the Argon 7LS review on Hifi pig, Ed Selley writing in Hifi Choice issue 436 presents a review of the Argon 1. I have a soft spot for the Argon 1 as it was the first model I auditioned prior to becoming the UK sales agent for the brand. I fell in love with its mix of strong tuneful bass, open sweet mid, and natural HF, all in a handsome stylish cabinet. Ed is very positive in his review and picks up on a couple of the key design elements of the product, it is well worth a read. A PDF is available here.

Amphion Argon 7LS on Hifi Pig

Lionel over at HiFi Pig was very impressed by what he heard from the Amphion Argon 7LS, I love them too. Read his words here.

Bristol Show 2018

We had a very successful Bristol Show last weekend. Amphion was the focus as we showed all the Argon models including the new Argon 0 and Argon 1 models. Presented in a relaxed casual manner, people were very impressed by the performance and simplicity of the demonstration system. Housed in a famously low priced piece of furniture from the big Swedish furniture store, what we wanted to illustrate was how good music can sound without the hifi taking over your room. Driven by a Hegel Rost, supported by MusicWorks PEEK cones and mains block, and Audiomica loudspeaker cables, the system sounded excellent and we had lots of positive comments throughout the show.




Scandinavian powerhouse.

Hegel Music Systems will be once again using Amphion at the upcoming Sound & Vision exhibition in Bristol over the weekend of 23rd to 25th of February. Last year the highly regarded brand used the Argon 7LS and it was such a successful pairing they are using another pair this year.  Hegel and Amphion go well together and I am expecting it to sound just as good as last year, perhaps even better. Hegel will be demonstrating their whole range of integrated amps along with the high end DAC and the superb Mohican CD player, it should be well worth a listen.